Feature #24: Taylor & Blair


Age: 26

Career: Homemaker

When did you cease using topical steroids: December 9, 2012

What type did you use: I’m unsure of all the names: topical steroid creams, Ellidel, and a round of herbal pills that contained steroids

What is your favorite product for comfort? Shea Butter

What was the hardest thing to deal with during this condition? Not being able to perform daily tasks because it was too painful to outstretch my arms or turn my head. Feeling self conscious in public or when meeting new people.

What was the first thing you did when healed? Wore short sleeves! Played outside in the heat with my two little boys.

Blair Dunkin-Salleyblaire

Age: 21

Career: Unemployed due to TSW soon to be a Licensed Esthetician

When did you cease using topical steroids: September 1, 2016

What type did you use: Locoid Lipo cream on and off since ’15, Fluonicide .01% for body for 8 months, 3 injections, and 1 round of Prednisone

What is your favorite product for comfort? Sticking my head in the freezer and Aloe Vera from a plant

What was the hardest thing to deal with during this condition? When I had a Staph infection on my face and arms for over 3 months and did not know it, and showers. Showers are torture.

What was the first thing you did when healed? Get a job at a Spa, wear short sleeved EVERYTHING, take long warm baths, and wear make up whenever I feel like it! Also I’m going to continue to be very out spoken about TSW in the Esthetics community, and hopefully develop a skin care line that specializes in the treatment of TSW, Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis related conditions of the skin; or maybe even opening my own spa with a TSW rehab package on the menu. Sky’s the limit!

More From Sufferers

Hey Preventables,

I wanted to make another blog just showcasing some of the things that are being posted in the groups. This PREVENTABLE condition is causing so much pain and suffering. All I wish to do is play a role in ending the overprescription of topical steroids so this pain can end. Please consider donating to this cause either through the project PayPal (preventable.doc@gmail.com), or through the donation link on the front page.


Way too many of us get laughed at in a doctor’s office. How inconsiderate, especially if we are bringing FACTUAL resources with us written by other doctors.


This is so much more than a skin problem. Our mental health comes into play and we need all the support we can get.


NEW ceri


Doctors are prescribing these drugs to be used on places the very drug itself says NOT to be used on. There needs to come a point where the “DO NOT USE PAST 2 WEEKS…. unless prescribed by your doctor” needs to be abolished. Just because the doctor says to do it, doesn’t mean the warning on the label goes away.



I, personally, did two sets of tapering oral steroids. My skin gradual got better on the pills, but as soon as it tapered off, I went right back into this mess.



How unfair this that? Even when there is proof, a doctor is going to deny it? It makes absolutely no sense.


So many people who don’t believe in this say they think its outrageous that people are doing this and should go back to the drugs if they are suicidal. When will the thinking start turning towards saving people from this by actually prescribing these drugs correctly/actually finding out the cause of the patient’s problem instead of continuing to endanger patients and call them crazy for ceasing to use a drug that is literally destroying them from the inside out?



I saved the best for last. This hits home for so many sufferers.


This is not about bashing steroids. This is about showcasing how overprescribing these drugs are ruining people’s lives in every way imaginable.

Feature #23: Katie & Ashley

Katie Vickers.pngKatie 

Age: 21

Career: Unemployed, had to medically withdraw from school

When did you cease using topical steroids:  July 2015

What type did you use: I used Triamcinolone 0.1% for 8 years, had a few rounds of oral steroids/shots of Kenalog

What is your favorite product for comfort? Lemongrass Balm and Frankincense

What is the hardest thing to deal with during this condition? The hardest part of TSW is the physical pain. There are days where I’m in so much pain that I can’t even think straight. The ooze is a close second though.

What is the first thing you will do when healed? First thing I’m doing is taking a trip somewhere fun and exciting. I’m not sure where yet, but I’m going to make sure to live it up and not to take life for granted. Oh, and I’m also gonna drink a margarita.

Ashley  ashley-c

Age: 29

Career: Attorney and Dance Teacher

When did you cease using topical steroids:  November 24, 2015

What type did you use: I used many different types, but the last two I was on were triamcinolone and clobetasol

What is your favorite product for comfort? 3 things: 1. White t-shirts- they’re great to wear around the house because they are loose and breathable and I also use them to wrap my arms or neck during flare-ups; 2. Benadryl to help me sleep during the unbearable itchy nights; 3. Aquaphor

What is the hardest thing to deal with during this condition? Sleepless nights dealing with the bone deep itch & trying to maintain as much of a normal life as possible

What is the first thing you will do when healed? Workout and take a pain free shower

ITSAN — Doctor Pages

As many may know, ITSAN.org is the non-profit organization that advocates to help fight against Red Skin Syndrome and stands as a refuge for those who are suffering and have no support. ITSAN stands for International Topical Steroid Addiction Network.

The team leaders, Joey VanDyke (President) and Kathy Tullos (Executive Director), have poured their heart and souls into this organization to help out everyone who is lost and weary while enduring this heartbreaking condition.

One way they give back is by making it as easy as possible for sufferers to advocate for themselves. These woman get paid hardly any money to do full time jobs in order to make this possible.

Kathy went above and beyond and created this detailed, incredibly informative page that we all can show to doctors in order to help them see that this condition is not only real, but should be taken very seriously.


Please, use this page whenever you are trying to inform doctors of Red Skin Syndrome. Here is just some of the wisdom found on this page:

Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 9.33.20 AMScreen Shot 2017-03-08 at 9.33.37 AMScreen Shot 2017-03-08 at 9.33.47 AM

This page should be utilized in every way to spread awareness.

Feature #21: Danny & Fleur

Danny Brooks.jpgDanny Brooks

Age: 24

Career: Was a sports staff member for RCCL

When did you cease using topical steroids: Oct 20th 2016

What type did you use: A large variety of tablets and creams over several years

What is your favorite product for comfort? Cetroben (heavy moisturizer)

What is the hardest thing to deal with during this condition? Around the 2 month mark I developed loads of tiny blisters all over my feet which burst when I walked making it incredibly painful to stand and walk until they eventually healed after about a week. (also happened on my hands)

What is the first thing you will do when healed? Reapply for my job as I loved my short time working on cruise ships!

Fleur Rose Blanchelorraine-blanche

Age: 10

Career: n/a

When did you cease using topical steroids: Nov. 13, 2016

What type did you use: Used Betnovate on and off since October 2015 for patches of eczema behind the knees and inside of elbows.

What is your favorite product for comfort? Calendula talc when skin won’t tolerate ointments. When it can, I like Egyptian Magic cream

What is the hardest thing to deal with during this condition? The flares with oozing, (they scare me), the itch is worst part now , also having to give up dancing and pulling out of a show in February. I miss my friends, school and gymnastics.

What is the first thing you will do when healed? Playing my instruments and dance lessons.

In Our Shoes

I have been wanting to do something like this for awhile. It is just an extremely minuscule snapshot of what gets posted in support groups for Eczema, Red Skin Syndrome, or Topical Steroid Withdrawal.

Many professionals, who are meant to care for a patient, fall (very) short when it comes to speaking about adverse affects with steroids. It is egregious the way some patients are treated in a doctor’s office.



To be laughed at is already demeaning towards someone who is ACTUALLY trying to inform you of a very serious and highly factual condition, but then, as a professional, negate that it is real… this is where the problem lies. We are told to trust in our doctors and that whenever we have a question or concern, they are who we should be going to. BUT, what if our professionals don’t know it all? Red Skin Syndrome is not a joke and certainly isn’t a laughing matter. To be completely written off and spoken down to while the patient was the one who really knew the truth, is astounding. We should not be having to stick up for ourselves at any medical facility. We are going through enough physically and mentally. Most don’t even try to go to doctors anymore because they are tired of being made fun of when they should be getting the care they deserve and need.

Preventable: Protecting Our Largest Organ will help doctors understand the seriousness behind this condition and how they have it in their power to stop this from ever happening again. 


“They told me I would have to use this for life.” And we are called steroid phobic because…?

How outrageous to tell a patient that THIS is the only way to help them. It states it clearly on the inserts that this SHOULD NOT be used for long periods of time. To tell a patient that the health of their skin depends on this drug forever is not only an ill educated prescription, but a lack understanding of what these are truly capable of doing.

Preventable: Protecting Our Largest Organ will help disseminate correct information about topical steroids and what they are doing not only on the surface of our skin for long periods of time (even 2 weeks!), but what they are doing to the inside of our bodies as well. 


Here in lies the problem with Western medicine. They have ONE go to when it comes to skin ailments. Most will stick to that one trick. You most certainly have a chance of getting better without steroids. The problem is that they are taught that only one method, which is meant to help mask symptoms, not offer a healing change towards the cause of your symptoms, works. Now, we do have a few other options, but in my opinion, they are still either so new we don’t have any knowledge on the damage it could also be doing and/or we know the drug is dangerous and comes with risks just like steroids do. But I see in so many posts how doctors asks patients ‘why did you bother coming in if you weren’t going to take the steroids?’ We are paying for their services and care and yet are being treated as if we’ve wasted their time. Perhaps we were hoping for more than just ‘here are some steroids’. It just simply is not acceptable anymore for this to continue to happen.

Preventable: Protecting Our Largest Organ will shatter this opinion of topical steroids are the only method to treat eczema. We have so much new technology and medical advancements that we have the power to truly find out what is causing our skin to lose control. We can test for allergies, irritants, gut problems, stress issues, autoimmune disorders… we can’t go on just nonsensically masking our problems with a medication for long periods of time that can actually cause us detrimental harm in the long run. 


Again, this type of condescension is not helpful nor is it particularly kind.

Other posts I tend to see are heartbreaking, ones crying out in desperation as to why this is happening to them. They are losing their jobs, their relationships, their family… ALL from a preventable condition.

This has got to end. And we can do it. If anyone feels moved by this project and wants to help this type of suffering, please visit the sponsorship link above for a tax deductible contribution, or visit the donation link above if you do not need a tax receipt. 

Donate Here


Feature #19: Liz & Joana

liz-kingElizabeth King

Age: 40

Career: Unemployed due to TSW and fibromyalgia

When did you cease using topical steroids: June 13 2015

What type did you use: Honestly can’t remember them all.

What is your favorite product for comfort? A bath with sea salt, apple cider vinegar, and Aquafor. I also take LDN which helps.

What is the hardest thing to deal with during this condition? The pain (physical and emotional) and shedding.

What is the first thing you will do when healed? Swim in the ocean!

Joanna Hinzjoanna-hinz

Age: 31

Career: Unemployed due to TSW

When did you cease using topical steroids: May 2015

What type did you use: Fucicort, Elomet, Hydrocortizone, Elidel, Protopic, Elocom

What is your favorite product for comfort? Beeswax/Olive Oil, Lavender essential oil as a sleeping aid, apple cider vinegar

What is the hardest thing to deal with during this condition? 

It is very difficult to narrow down only one part which was the hardest since the condition affects all parts of your life. I will just try to say what I feel are the top three hardest things:

* Being bedridden with your life being on hold and the disconnect from the outside world due to physical non-functionality, chronic pain and anxieties, while everyone around you is chasing their dreams and continues with normal day to day life

* Having no relief or break ever and months and months of sleepless and itchy nights, the suffering which goes with it during those hours of no sleep; while my body needed all the rest to re-gain strength and energy for my next day of trying to cope with responsibilities as a mother and wife, with no family support as I do not live in my home country.

* The way the condition affects a previously healthy mind in the worst ways possible and messes with your perception of the world around you, yourself, your loved ones, bringing the darkest and most negative thoughts you never knew existed before.

What is the first thing you will do when healed? I will love pursuing my career, enjoy the warmth of sun rays on my skin, go to the beach and swim with my son in the sea, go back to my passion of being physically active: working out, dancing and yoga.

The possible irreversible effects of antibiotics

We focus a lot on how chronic use of steroids can cause much damage to our body, inside and out. There are actually many drugs that can do this. One drug that most of us end up using (because of Red Skin Syndrome) is antibiotics. What many don’t know is that this drug can also cause much harm.

At first, some get very defensive on this subject because, if you are told you need antibiotics, you must need them for a reason. Many of us get staph on our skin and are immediately prescribed this drug to help. But we must take into consideration the pros and cons of this drug, not just on ourselves but others.

I think people see their own use of antibiotics as a solo consequence. That if they wish to use them as much as they want then they are the only ones who will suffer the consequences. However, that is not the case. If people begin to overuse this drug, it can change the microflora for the next generation. It is a domino effect that can change the world.

This is a very serious problem when it comes to newborns. One doctor, Martin Blaser, has been vital in this research and whom highlighted his immense concern for babies born from either C-seciton or from mothers who were given antibiotics during the pregnancy. These babies could have an insufficient amount of friendly guy flora, leaving them susceptible to health conditions and problems.

These health problems are often autoimmune related. Even just a one-time intravenous dose of antibiotics can alter our gut flora.

An unbalanced microbiota in the gut is also a contributing factor in autoimmunity. (13) Infection with certain microbial pathogens can trigger autoimmune reactions in joints and other organs. (14) The destruction of healthy gut flora can make the mucosal lining more susceptible to leakage, which some researchers believe is a precondition for developing autoimmunity. (1516) It is well-established that the balance of gut bacteria plays a key role in the formation of a proper immune response. (1718) A lack of healthy gut bacteria is associated with allergies, IBD, and general autoimmune reactions when this immune modulation goes awry.

Now, there are certain situations where we do need antibiotics. We can not always shy away from their services. But there are things we can do to help ourselves out.

Though antibiotics may be necessary in certain situations, it’s important to weigh the benefits of using them with the potential risks that may come from the permanent alteration of the gut flora. If antibiotics must be used (and there are certainly situations where this is the case), special care should be taken to not only restore their gut flora using probiotic foods and supplements, but to eat a diet that supports healthy gut microbiota with plenty of fermentable fibers from starch and the removal of food toxins.

For those instances where we can forgo oral antibiotics, there are other alternatives we can use to help us. You can find these alternatives here: Mark Sisson

We need to truly keep our minds open to these alternatives instead of jumping right into using antibiotics. Much like steroids, they can really hinder our health. And imagine using both at the same time for long periods of time. It can reek absolute havoc on our bodies.

Chris Kresser: High Price of Antibiotics



Feature #16: Paula & Jane

paula-pPaula Perris

Age: 30

Career: Mother, Wife, Health Care Assistant up until TSW. I was in collage studying social care.

When did you cease using topical steroids: 15th June 2016

What type did you use:  Methotrexate, UV light theraphy (hand PUVA) prednisolone, Dermovate, Bethnovate, immuovate, fucibet, protopic, Elcon…

What is your favorite product for comfort? I always go back to silcock’s base but also use coconut oil, dipolbase, and cotton gloves.

What is the hardest thing to deal with during this condition? Not been able to touch my children without being in pain and the long sleeplessness nights.

What is the first thing you will do when healed? Take my children to the beach, hold their hands, LIVE and of course raise awareness!!

Jane Cavallajane-cavalla

Age: 43

Career: Art educator

When did you cease using topical steroids: March 2013

What type did you use: Mostly Betnovate RD, but have had orals and stronger ointments throughout my life.  Injections as a baby!

What is your favorite product for comfort? My own homemade shea butter and jojoba butter balm

What is the hardest thing to deal with during this condition? Itching, itching deep bone itching! Severe dryness/elephant skin, lack of sleep, no life outside of TSW, impact on family  and depression

What is the first thing you will do when healed? I am starting to have days of healing now, on good days – I can wear black!  Wear make-up, go out with friends and enjoy my life again, be more present as a mother, and consider the possibility of meeting someone.